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6 Tips To Build an Online Doctor Consultation Business

With the fastest expanding of technology, online doctor consultation business demands are increasing day by day. This evolution of technology also gives a good impact on the healthcare industries for both patient and medical professionals with more efficiency and patient care.

In this revolutionary digital world patients prefer to use healthcare consultation apps or websites on their mobile devices. The main reason to access this online consultation platform, that it is easy to use and does not have  to wait for a long time. This also reduces the traveling time and their costs. If you are interested to learn more about online businesses then you are landing at a right places. To start an online businesses, we have already updated one of the demanding article that is complete guide to build online charted flight booking business. This article will help you to understand in depth, how the online businesses will work and operates.

If you are a healthcare professional or interested in starting an online healthcare business then you land on the right page. Therefore, in this article we will learn about the tips to build this online doctor consultation platform, features, benefits of doing this business, see famous examples of this platform and also see business model and revenue model of an online doctor consultation platform.

Reason To Start an Online Doctor Consultation Business

At this time, the demand for an online doctor consultation platform is increasing day to day. Following are the reason to start this business that we discussed in below;

  • Business demand increases – In 2023, online doctor consultation business valuation is $ 16.62 Billion and expected to reach USD 27 Bn in 2030, growing at 7.8% in the forecast period of 7 years (2023-2030). Research clearly says that the demand for online doctor consultation platforms is rising and this will continue to increase in upcoming years. You want to become an entrepreneur then this type of consultancy is very beneficial and demanding to start.
  • Unlimited connectivity – With the help of online doctor consultation website or app you can build unlimited patient relations without any problem. You have not to face the problems of language barrier, easily connecting with patients and doctors from all the regions. This will increase the reach and revenue of that platform. You have to make the ease of an online doctor consultation platform for patients panel to doctor panel and all the types of filters should be available.
  • Affordable and time saver – To start an online doctor consultation platform is cost effective and time saver in the respect of building a hospital with all the types of facilities and infrastructure. Your online journey is the best option to start the healthcare industry business.

Benefits of Starting an Online Doctor Consultation Business

Online doctor consultation businesses are removing the gap between patients and doctors. The online doctor consultation business offers various benefits to healthcare professionals and patients. Following are the main benefits of an online doctor consultation business that are mentioned in below ;

  • Benefits of online doctor consultation business for doctors
  • Benefits of online doctor consultation business for patients

Benefits of online doctor consultation business for doctors

There are many benefits for doctors to use this consultation website/ app that we discussed in below. Check each point to understand all the benefits for doctors.

  • Global reach – There is a chance for doctors to provide their services or advice to patients at global levels, there is no geographical barrier. You can easily connect with people all over the word and leave your sign with the best services.
  • Financial benefits – Many online doctor consultation platforms are offering extra revenue options for doctors, like- you can easily sell ebooks, podcasts, and medical learning things to your patients. Therefore, you can recommend other healthcare professionals like lab tests, diagnostics and you can earn some affiliate money for sending leads. You can get more financial benefits with the use of online consultation platforms.
  • Flexibility – Doctors can choose their schedule, fix their service charges, and work from any location. This type of flexibility is available in the online doctor consultation platform.
  • Time management – Doctors can easily manage the time with an online consultation portal. They have options to attend to the patients, without the dealing of administrative tasks, waiting rooms, etc.
  • Patient management – Online doctor consultation platform is easy to manage the patients scheduling, fees and you can also access patient previous medical history and records. This will help you to better understand patients’ problems and you follow up when needed.
  • Real feedback – You can get real feedback in the form of ratings and reviews by the patients. This will help you to improve the services according to real feedback. 
  • Work on patient satisfaction – Online doctor consultation platform is very easy to use for both patients and doctors. You have to work on patient satisfaction because your patients would recommend others, if they are satisfied by your advice or services.
  • Manage work life – Doctors can manage better work life balance with the help of online consultation platforms. You can easily work from home or any locations that you want.
  • Expert advice – In the case of complicated situations, problems, or disease, doctors can seek the advice from their seniors through online discussions, forums and groups.

Benefits of online doctor consultation business for patients

Patients have low energy and they do not want to stand in the line, they alway avoid it so the online consultation platform is the best option for patients. Following are the benefits of online doctor consultation platforms for patients.

  • Accessibility – Patients can easily avail the medical facilities at their homes without having the effort to go to the hospital. This is extremely important for all the patients who avoid traveling and want to live in their comfort area. They can also access the specialist doctors according to health conditions.
  • Time and energy saving – All the people are busy with their work, they have no time to go to the hospital and wait hours for a single meeting. So, the online platform will save your time and energy.
  • Affordable – Online doctor consultation is more cost effective in respect to personal consultation. Online consultation portal can save your traveling charges, hotel charges and many more.
  • Better care – With the help of digital reports and prescriptions, your doctor can better care you by monitoring your health and reports. This is also beneficial for those patients who are engaged in dangerous diseases and need regular check ups.
  • Privacy maintain – All the online consultation platforms keep the privacy of patients, they keep the data safe and secure. You get full privacy when you consult with doctors online, and you can say all the things that you can’t say in front of a doctor.

To the growth and success of online doctor consultation business, you have to regularly update offers and integrate features that are required for both doctors and patients. 

Here are 6 Tips to Build an Online Doctor Consultation Business

To build an online doctor consultation platform is a difficult and challenging task. Anyway, with the help of the right information and knowledge, you can easily overcome this challenge. Following are the 6 tips to build an online consultation business, that are mentioned in below ;

  1. Compliance
  2. Research
  3. Unique value proposition
  4. Build prototype
  5. Choose reliable solutions
  6. Get some feedback

1. Compliance

To run a successful online doctor consultant business, you have to know the rules and regulations of the healthcare department. For instance, You have to register and give permissions to different countries according to your business nature. You have to fully complete all the legal paperwork before starting an online doctor consultation platform.

2. Research

You have to understand the needs of people. To do some research of the market will give the idea and tips to establish an online doctor consultation platform. Generally, you have to begin the market research with the help of potential partners and know about the competitors.

3. Unique Value proposition

To make an identity in the market of your business, you have to define a unique value proposition well because this will stand out from the crowd. Value proposition, user experience of the site, and customer service will vary from time to time.

4. Build Prototype

When you do market research and define the value proposition of a business then you have various types of data to create a prototype or minimum viable product. The prototype and the features that you want to add, it all depends on the budget of your project.

5. Choose reliable solutions

This is very important to choose the best software or technology for your online doctor consultancy business. Whenever you choose the technology or software then check these types of features must be available in your software. Like- text chat, video conferencing, voice conferencing, multilingual and multi-currency features that help your business to serve your global customers.

6. Get some feedback

When you have launched your business in the market, think and make a list of users who will have access to the website or app before anyone. The feedback of these peoples are matters for your business, and after clear analysis of the feedback improved the business services.

We will learn the tips to build an online doctor consultation platform. Now, you have to see very important things that are famous online consultation websites in the healthcare industry.

Famous Online Doctor Consultation Business

We are going to see the famous online doctor consultation platform that will help you to understand the concepts of business. If you want to understand all the concepts in depth then you have to use these famous consultation apps in the industry of healthcare. All the consultation websites earn revenue through subscriptions and many more.

  • Practo This will connect patients with primary care via video calls, messaging, voice call, etc. 
  • Nexia Wellness – This is a popular doctor consultation platform, where you can get online therapy, nutritions, fitness etc.
  • Therapy Panda – This is a global based consultation platform that helps people by providing best qualified and experienced doctors.
  • Icilinq – This platform contains 80+ specialities. This is the platform where you can get secondary advice regarding your problems with certified doctors.
  • Doctor on demand – This is also a great platform where you can get doctors and nurses at any time with the help of your desktop and mobile.

Business Model of Online Doctor Consultation Business

Business model is the plan of a company, where they fix the target market and expenses.

There are three different types of users, in an online doctor consultation platform. These three types of users are – Admin, Patients, and Doctors. 


The admin manages all the responsibilities of an online doctor consultation platform. As a business owner, they take care of all the required things that are important and associated with businesses. Admin also manages the marketing and customer care of the business.


In online doctor consultation platforms, patients schedule and book their appointment with a doctor. The conversation between doctor and patients will happen over video conferencing or messaging. 


In the online consultation platform, there is a separate panel for doctors, where they can access all the things after successfully completing sign-up forms. In the doctor panel, there are management tools to keep track of patients.

You can download or save the diagram of business model, the general business model flow in below ;

Revenue Model of Online Doctor Consultation Business

There are different sources of revenue for an online doctor consultation platform. Following are some famous revenue model that are discuss in below;


The admin of an online doctor consultation platform can earn commission in each appointment booking by a patient. The online payment of appointments comes from a direct admin account, after that admin charges the commission and sends the rest amount to the doctor. You have to also be aware the payment gateway also charges money before settling the commission. 


Patients can access the doctor consultation platform through pay annual or monthly subscription. When you subscribe then you can connect with the best doctors on this platform.


The online doctor consultant panel generates much money by partnering with other healthcare providers. For example- nutritions, Physiotherapist and many more. You can also partner with insurance companies to provide them with the services on your platform.

You can earn revenue through listing the healthcare professional on your web pages. You can list them on the homepage, search page, and anywhere on your platform. Where admin charges a fee based on time duration of listing or total clicks.


You can generate revenue through advertising on your website, you can place ads on your website. Your revenue in the form of cost per click, total view and many more. This is the best method of producing top line growth for both modes, online or offline.

Important Features of Online Doctor Consultation Business

Here, we are discussing all the important features of an online doctor consultation platform. All the features are very important, you have to implement all the features on your website. We are discussing in more depth to better understand important features.

Doctors information page

Doctor information page is a very important feature that you have to add in your websites or app. This information may be in the form of a video introduction, where you have to mention medical qualification, total experience in years, Language spoken by your doctor, what’s the area of expertise, ratings and reviews, consultancy charge for the first time, and many more.

Booking and Checkout

This is an essential feature of an online doctor consultation platform. The booking and checkout process should be very simple and clear instructions that patients will follow easily. You have to show an option of canceling or rescheduling the appointment. These practices will improve your user experience. You have to clearly mention the pages regarding refund and cancellations.

Consultation software

For online doctor consultation platforms, best consultation software is essential and plays an important role in the business. These tools are used by patients and doctors during the conversation. You have to choose the best consultation tools that solve your patients and doctors problems and are easy to use.

Video meeting

Video meeting features means face to face communication. These features will help doctors to see the physical conditions of the patients and they clearly diagnose the problem. When you enable the video meeting feature, you must check end to end encryption and there is no audio or video sent to the server or stored.

Matching Filters

Matching filters are the most powerful tools for an online doctor consultation platform. In matching filters, patients can easily choose their desired preferences- which language doctor, specialization, particular gender, or specific needs. This filter is beneficial for both as well as doctors and patients. This process will save a lot of time and effort of patients, when they are searching for a doctor that relates with their problems.


This feature is beneficial for doctors, that they can easily manage their availability and scheduling. Doctors can easily schedule their time with the help of a calendar where they can fix their date and time for patient consultation. Patients can book their appointments with the availability of the doctors. This will help to reduce the waiting time of patients and best for patient satisfaction.

Different payment options 

These are important sections that you can add features on your consultant business website. You have to enable multiple payment methods, this will be easy for your customers to make payment. You can add these multiple payments like- net banking, upi id, debit card, credit card, and paypal integrations. 

Multi lingual 

If you add these features on your platform then this will work as a language barrier. Your online doctor consultation platform is easy to use in all languages.

Session notes

Session notes play a crucial role in online doctor consultation, this will help doctors to plan-up everything’s like- patients symptoms, treatment plan, and other helpful documentation. Session notes should be securely stored on the platform or server in order to protect patients ‘ privacy concerns.


This will help both as well as patients and healthcare professionals in completing the admission process. You have to just use an electronic signature to process the documentation. This will help to share critical information and updates faster. This feature is very useful for doctors to prescribe the patient that will help to get medicine at any time, any place.

Security and privacy

For online doctor consultant platforms, you can’t avoid the security and privacy concerns for both doctor and as well as patients. Your platform must be built in end to end encryption and no leak of any data. You have to be sure and believe your customers regarding security and privacy.


As an entrepreneur, you have to invest your time and effort to understand the main points and legal points of online doctor consultation business. Once, you understand all the things then start building your own online doctor consultation platform. To build this type of business you have to make planning and execution that are required for your industry. Hope, this article will clear most of the important sections and you will be ready to learn and start a health care platform.

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