The advertising objectives follow target market, market positioning and last marketing mix for important decisions. In this article you will see all the process of setting advertisements for good results. This objective is necessary for all types of advertising campaigns, no matter if your budget is low or high.
There are also the best things that you can access free Infographics of advertising objectives, where you find the most important points for your query. These infographics will be very helpful and supportive to create advertising objectives. We cover these points : what’s the mission, money, message, media and measurement to better understand and execute advertising campaigns.
Table of Contents
The Main Point of Advertising Objectives
The aim of any promotion is to sell the services or products. The real objective of advertising is good communication between services and clients to increase the awareness in the market. Basically there are three main objectives of advertising.
- To inform
- To Persuasive
- To reminder
To Inform :
This is informative advertising, where the goal is to introduce the product or services. The main objective is to build demand in the target market. In this step customers think, read and understand the features of products. For example, a smartphone company informs their customers about upcoming models.
To Persuasive :
This type of advertising will be directly connected with their competitors. The main objective is to build a demand for specific products. In the simple way you have to put more value in products in comparison with your brand competitors. For example, Oppo smartphone companies try to persuade their customers by introducing new features in products.
To Reminder :
Finally, this is the last stage of objectives, reminder advertising is used to remind customers of the maturity stage of products. In this stage, the company aims to be aware consumers and inform them about the features of products. And also they are persuaded of the product’s benefits. While, these benefits will be repeated to remind the customers to buy products. For example, Smartphone companies always remind their customers to make purchase decisions.
Now you may have understood the different types of advertising objectives. All the main points will be explained above.
Advertising objective according to DAGMAR
Let’s understand the objective of advertising according to DAGMAR, all the purchasing decisions will go through these four steps, you must know.
- Awareness
- Comprehension
- Conviction
- Action
These four steps are also known as ACCA advertising strategies. ACCA or DAGMAR is the main part of AIDA advertising strategies and this will be more popular and comprehensive than AIDA strategies. These types of tactics are developed for the measurement of advertising effectiveness. This is the process of the states of mind and the consumer passes through these steps.
Important part of the DAGMAR model is definitions of target audience, that is those types of people where the advertising message will be addressed. And objectives means the goal of an advertising message.
According to the DAGMAR method the ultimate objective of advertising involves all types of communication tasks, their aim is to create awareness, some information and develop the attitude of actions. Advertising aims is to carry a consumer through these four levels of understanding, all the points is mentioned below,
- From un-awareness to awareness – Firstly develop to consumers and verify the market that consumers must be aware about the products or company.
- Comprehension – Must be clear what the product is and its benefits.
- Conviction – This will be developed in mentally to buy the products.
- Actions – buy thFinally e products.
Hope all the strategies of DAGMAR will be understood now we are coming to discuss the most important point that will be at the core of this article.
Process of Setting advertising objectives
All of you can easily understand what is an advertising objective, their main parts and also we discuss the objective of advertising according to DAGMAR. In the beginning of this article, where we discuss advertising objectives, we will follow the target market, marketing position and mix of markets. At this time, we understand how we can set up our objectives.
The process of setting the objective of promotion will go through five steps. Follow these five points to set up any advertising campaign;
- Mission
- Money
- Message
- Media
- Measurement
1. Mission :
Without a mission nothing will be done in this life. You want to achieve something. You must write down your mission to get what you want. Whenever you are setting an advertising campaign then your mission should be clear about these two points: that is what is the sales goal that you want from advertising and the second is the Advertising objective.
To set an advertising objective you just follow the above points to write all the main points to better result in your campaign. Never avoid writing your mission because this is the backbone of your campaign.
2. Money :
When you set your objective, money is the best tool to achieve your better campaign performance. You have to be clear that is where you have to use your budget. Many advertisers will ruin their money because they do not clearly think where to invest to get better campaign results. These are the important factors to consider in money, mentioned in the followings;
- Stage in PLC – Plc means product life cycle, when a product enters in market you have to trace the journey and life cycles of the products.
- Market share and consumer base – The total purchases of products and services in what percentage will go in the company account. This process is known as market share according to the consumer base.
- Competition and clutter – You have to identify what the charge is going for promotion according to your competitor products or services for better performance.
- Advertising frequency – You have to think how many times will be shown in advertising for your specific products.
- Product substitutability – What the alternatives available in the market according to your products. Find out and play better.
3. Message :
This is the third process to set up Promotion objectives. This is very important for your campaign because this is the way to attain customers for your products or services. You have to consider these four points for better performance.
- Message generation
- Message evaluation and selection
- Message execution
- Social responsibility review
4. Media :
Media is the main way to brand awareness or sell more products in a short time. If you afford media then this will give you more results for your brands. When you choosing media then consider these following points;
- Reach, frequency impact
- Major media types
- Specific media channel
- Media timing
- Geographical media allocation
5. Measurement :
When you complete all the things then you have to evaluate what the campaign is going to cost, how much you will be going to charge, what the budget will be used for, and many other things that you have to measure your results. In the measurement you have to consider these two points ;
- Communication impact
- Sales impact
Whenever you do all the things then your campaign will be good in the market and you will achieve your target for businesses that you want. If you have any suggestions, or questions please comment and reach out to us by our mail or contact form. Thank you.