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The 14 Types of Advertising and How They are used in Businesses

Are you thinking about types of advertising for your businesses but not sure which one is best advertising for your products or services ? Do not worry, in this article you will find all the types of advertising and their use for your purpose. 

There are many ways to reach new customers, increase sales and brand awareness through both digital and traditional advertising. When you read this article you will be able to choose the best advertising method to grow your business journey.

What is advertising ?

Advertising is a marketing strategy used by businesses to promote their products, brands and as well as services. Many types of advertising have the same goal: to convert potential buyers into real customers. Advertising will help you to grow your business at next levels.

Marketing and advertising

There are many similarities between marketing and advertising. We already discussed advertising, which is a part of marketing strategy. Marketing is the activity of building a business that includes all types of promotions, organic and paid advertising. In advertising no matter what types, simply you have to pay to increase brand awareness in the market.

To grow your small businesses, you have to create different types of advertising campaigns to achieve your business goals. There are two main categories of advertising : Traditional and digital advertising.

Traditional advertising

Traditional advertising is the type of advertising that is done by an old method or offline. Radio ads, newspaper ads, and television ads are examples of traditional advertising. Right now many businesses are using this method to advertise their product and services to attract potential customers and increase brand awareness.

Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is the type of advertising that is done by online channels. Website, streaming mode, and all types of digital communication channels are examples of digital advertising. Right now many businesses do advertising online because this is cost effectiveness. 

The 14 Types of Advertising

Following are the main types of advertising that will help your business to advertise in the most effective way. Just read all the points and practice all the types to get better results.

  1. Persuasive Advertising
  2. Product Advertising
  3. Institutional Advertising
  4. National and Local Advertising
  5. Consumer and industrial Advertising
  6. Commercial Advertising
  7. Non-commercial Advertising
  8. Cooperative Advertising
  9. Rational and emotional advertising
  10. Intended Audience Advertising
  11. Media Advertising
  12. Public Service Advertising
  13. Financial Advertising
  14. Service Advertising

01. Persuasive Advertising :

This is the most obvious type of advertising that is surrounding us in our daily lives, arguing us to buy all the types of products and services. Without persuasive advertising it is hard to imagine how modern society with its mass production and mass consumption could survive. This is also not as Hard Sell advertising. This type of advertising increases people to buy those products that they do not want. 

This type of advertising searches the market and keeps the wheel of the industry turning by maintaining the demands. This type of advertising is not only for industry. A holiday resort cannot feel their bedroom or a theater for a night audience without using this type of advertising tactics. 

Persuasive advertising should not  perform well by using these five tips that we are going to discuss. These five points are very essential to perform well in the market.

  • Attract attention
  • Command Interest
  • Create Desire
  • Inspire Conviction
  • Provoke Action

02. Product Advertising :

When advertising is done with a purpose to promote the cell of a particular thing is called product advertising. This type of advertising goal is to inform the market about a particular product. The main object behind product advertising is to create the demand of a particular type of product in the market. Sometimes product advertising may be direct action advertising or indirect action advertising. 

In the direct action of advertising the advertiser or sellers wants a quick response to his advertising. The buyer is urged to take action to buy the particular product. While, in direct advertising there is a fast action on the part of the receiver for whom it is intended. This is a long range of promotion and goals to purchase the particular product when customers go to market to buy it. Product advertising is classified as a primary demand or selective demand advertising.

Primary demand – This advertising is intended to build up the demand for an entire class of products and not of a particular type of product. Motors cars, watches, televisions, radio are the examples of primary demand.

Selective demand – This advertising is intended to create the demand of a specific product, brand. Honda bike, Oppo smartphones are examples of selective products.

03. Institutional Advertising :

This advertising is to create a proper attitude towards the seller and to build goodwill or image for the advertiser rather than sell products and services. Institutional advertising aims to build a good public relations image in the market. This advertising in public relations to create a good image of company profile with employees, investors and general public. Most of the companies are successful in creating their images in the minds of the audience by using their brands name.

04. National and Local Advertising :

Generally, this type of advertising is done by the manufacturer of the producer and their aims are to cover a wide market and different local markets. This is also sponsored by the retailer and their goals to cover the local public or local market only.

05. Consumer and Industrial Advertising :

When the advertising purpose is to attract the consumers who buy for their regular use, then this is called consumer advertising. The main object of consumer advertising is to create demand for different types of consumer goods. Tea and coffee are examples of consumer goods. 

An industrial advertising is one whose purpose is to attract the industrial users to purchase the product advertised. The main object of industrial advertising is to create demand for goods that is used by the industries.

06. Commercial Advertising :

This  is concerned with increasing the sales of commercial enterprises. Commercial advertising is also known as business advertising. There are four forms of commercial advertising;

  • Industrial Advertising – Generally industrial advertising is used for selling industrial products.
  • Trade Advertising – Advertising related to trade such as advertising by retailers.
  • Professional Advertising – This advertising undertaken by professionals like doctors, engineers, artists etc.
  • Farm Advertising – This is used for selling farm products like, agricultural implements, fertilizers, insecticides.

07. Non- Commercial advertising :

Non- commercial advertising is one which is done by non profit organizations. Like, Charitable trust, Government, and religious institutions helping ideas and raising some gifts and donations, etc.

08. Cooperative Advertising :

This is one which is controlled by a group of persons or enterprises on a cooperative basis. Like- ACC. Sometimes cooperative advertising may be horizontal or vertical. In horizontal cooperative advertising the expenses are shared by group marketers. A combined advertising effort is made for their goods. 

In case of vertical cooperative advertising the expenses are shared by marketers at various levels in the distribution channels. One of the two, vertical cooperative advertising is most common.

09. Rational and Emotional Advertising :

When advertisers explain the rationale for a particular product, then this term is known as rational advertising. Such as, Colgate toothpaste advertising attracts the consumers on the basis of they are providing  strength to your teeth. When appeal is directed to the emotional feelings of the customers, in this way creates a demand for a particular product. This is called emotional advertising.

10. Intended Audience Advertising :

When advertising is proposed, targeting the particular group of audience, this is called intended audience advertising. This type of advertising may be directed towards industrial manufacturers and users, trade or consumers and intermediate for best business exchanges.

11. Media Advertising :

Sometimes advertising will be classified on the basis of media such as press release advertising, outdoor advertising and many more.

12. Public Service Advertising :

This is done as a part of social responsibility by the advertising agencies or business organizations and governments. This advertising promotes important social issues. Here are the examples of such social is so which have been promoted are ;

  • Drug addiction
  • Blood donations
  • National integration
  • Female foeticide
  • Handicapped children and their help

In public service advertising, they should be able to understand the target group. The effect of public service advertising has two angles. Unless it has a sponsor and a discipline plan for release it can prove ineffective.

13. Financial Advertising :

Right now financial advertising is very important. All financial institutions like banks,insurance companies, take the palace in financial advertising. Public limited companies invite the general public to follow the share capital of the company. Promoting capital issues has become a very particular segment of financial advertising.

That is the reason all advertising Agencies are setting separate cells for financial advertising. The copy of the financial advertising gives the highlight of the project, details of the main issues, Closing dates, Promise of return date and profile of the products.

14. Service  Advertising :

Service advertising requires streak quality control, adaptability and promptness. Luxury’s hotels and resorts when they are advertising their service they also attach greater importance to service with a good smile. Similar in the case of hotel agencies. That is the reason service advertising is becoming popular day by day.


Hope you understand all the types of advertising that is used by businesses for achieving the goals. You just have to practice each type to gain more knowledge in depth about which types of advertising are used for their goals. You can also comment on the upcoming blogs that are used for your businesses that you may be facing challenges. When you choose the best types of advertising for your brand then you will surely achieve your goals.

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